Instruction manual

Sharp MX-3501N
tel. (1) 732-761-2311
fax. (1) 732-761-2312
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Page 40
Color at Work
Scan to USB/Fax
Following closely in the footsteps of a
major printer vendor, Sharp has
introduced the ability to interact with
USB memory sticks which are fast
becoming the modus operandi for
carrying electronic data.
The Sharp MX-3501N has a USB port
directly above the Ethernet port at the
back of the device. This port can be
used for both printing files directly from
the memory stick, or as a destination
for scanning documents.
BERTL analysts found the function
very easy to use with the only sticking
point being the position of the port;
located at the back of the device it may
be difficult for some users to access.
However, Sharp is launching in the
near future an additional hard key
QWERTY keyboard unit that will be
attached at the front of the device. This
keyboard will not only make the entry of
metadata faster than the touch screen
alternative, but will also include a USB port
which will make the feature much more
accessible for all.
The addition of this capability is yet
another differentiator between the Sharp
MX-3501N and its closest rivals and
highlights the attention to user friendliness
that has gone into the design of this unit.
The Sharp MX-3501N can be upgraded to
include a fax function. The upgrade
includes a 33.6kbps modem and 8MB of
dedicated flash fax memory. JBIG, MMR,
MR and MH compressions are all included
as standard.
The flash memory was a welcome addition
providing a memory facility not susceptible
to power failures or reliant upon a back up
battery. Flash memory is self-supporting
without an external
power supply which
means that if the power
fails first thing Monday
morning before any staff
come in, any jobs still
residing in the memory
of the device will be
safely stored pending
the return of the main power.
Desktop users also have the ability to use
the fax function on the Sharp MX-3501N
from their desktops, using the Sharp LAN
fax software utility.
Security is again accounted for, with the
Sharp MX-3501N including F-Code
transmission capability. F-Code works by
depositing faxes into an electronic folder
with a PIN code, thus protecting the
contents from unauthorized viewing.
The device made available to BERTL did
not have fax enabled. We have tested
many Sharp products before with fax
capability and have yet to run into a
Above: Users choosing to scan to USB
Above: Users have extensive options available to them
including resolution, file type, file naming, etc.
Below: The standard USB port is hidden
at the back of the device.