User Manual

The machine has been set to automatically print a Transaction Report when a transmission is not successful or when
the Broadcast transmission function is used. The Transaction Report informs you of the result of the operation. When
the machine prints a Transaction Report, be sure to check the contents.
The initial settings (factory settings) for printing Transaction Reports are indicated by shading
below. You can
use the key operator program to change the settings (page 8-5).
• Single sending: Print out all report / Print out error report only / No printed report
• Receiving: Print out all report / Print out error report only / No printed report
• Broadcasting: Print out all report / Print out error report only / No printed report
• Confidential reception: Print out notice page / Not print out notice page
The Transaction Report shows the date of transmission, the time transmission began, the other party's name, the
duration of the operation, the number of pages, and the result.
The list count appears in the "#" column of the Transaction Report and a serial number appears in the FILE column. (These
numbers are not related to the transaction.)
When a transmission error occurs, a portion of the original document is printed along with the Transaction Report. You can
set the machine to not print the original using the key operator program (page 8-5).
Information appearing in the TYPE/NOTE column
Information such as the type of transmission and type of error appears in the TYPE/NOTE column of the Transaction
Report. The following notes may appear.
Note Explanation
OK The transaction was completed normally.
G3 Communication took place in G3 mode.
ECM Communication took place in G3 ECM mode.
SG3 Communication took place in Super G3 mode.
FW. The received data was forwarded.
NO RESPONSE No response from the receiving party.
BUSY Transmission was not possible because the other party was already using the line.
CANCEL A transmission was canceled while in progress, or a stored transmission job was canceled.
P. FAIL A power failure occurred during the transaction.
MEMORY OVER The memory became full during quick on-line transmission.
MEM. FULL The memory became full during reception.
LENGTH OVER The transmitted document was over 59" long and therefore could not be received.
ORIGINAL ERROR Manual transmission was not successful because a jam occurred.
PASS# NG The connection was broken because the polling passcode was not correct.
NO RX POLL The machine that was polled does not have a polling function.
RX POLL FAIL The other machine refused the polling operation, or your machine broke the connection
when polled because no data was in memory.
NO F-CODE POLL The other machine refused an F-code polling operation, or your machine broke the connection
when polled because no data was in its F-code memory polling box.
RX POLL# NG Your machine broke the connection because the other machine specified an F-code polling
sub-address that does not exist in your machine.
Your machine broke the connection because an incorrect passcode was sent for an F-code transmission.
Your machine broke the connection because the specified sub-address for an F-code memory box does not exist.
Your machine broke the connection because the other machine sent an incorrect passcode for F-code polling.
F-code polling was attempted, however, the other machine did not have an F-code polling memory box.
F-code transmission was attempted, however, the other machine does not support F-code communication.
An F-code transmission was refused by the other machine because of an incorrect sub-address or other reason.
M. BOX: [xxxxxx] Data was received to a confidential or relay broadcast memory box, or data was sent from a
•••••• memory polling box.
The name of the memory box appears in [xxxxxx], and the type of F-code operation (relay
request reception, polling memory transmission, or confidential reception) appears in ••••••.
FAIL xx(xxxx) The communication handshake signals or image signals were distorted due to line conditions
or other reasons, and communication was not successful.
First two digits of communication error number: Error code from 00 to 31 appears.
Last four digits of communication error number: Codes for use by service technicians.