User Manual

Call timer at memory sending
When sending a fax by automatic transmission, this
setting lets you select the amount of time that the
machine waits before breaking the connection when
the other machine does not respond to your
machine's calling tone. If the other machine does
not respond within this set time, your machine will
automatically break the connection. Time selections
are 30 seconds, 45 seconds, and 60 seconds. This
setting is normally set to 45 seconds.
Date/own number print position setting
This setting lets you select the position (inside or
outside the original image) of the sender's name
and number that are printed at the top of each fax
page you send. Normally OUTSIDE THE ORIGINAL
IMAGE is selected. To have your name and number
printed inside the original image, select INSIDE THE
ORIGINAL IMAGE. For more detailed information
on the position of each setting, refer to page 3-9.
Recall in case of line busy
When sending a document, this setting is used to
select whether your machine will automatically re-
attempt the call when the other machine fails to
answer or the line is busy. Normally your machine is
set to re-attempt the call, and you can set the number
of attempts and the interval between attempts with
the "times of recall setting or times of recall setting
in case of line busy" and "interval of recall setting"
Even if this setting is turned on, your machine will not re-
attempt the call when a document is sent by manual
Recall in case of communication error
When sending a document, this setting is used to
select whether your machine will re-attempt the call if
the transmission fails due to a line error. Normally your
machine is set to not automatically re-attempt the call.
To set the machine to automatically re-attempt the
call, touch the box so a checkmark appears, and then
adjust the "times of recall setting" and the "interval of
recall setting" below. Note that in Canada, Australia
and New Zealand, only one re-attempt is made (the
number of re-attempts cannot be selected).
Even if this setting is turned on, your machine will not re-
attempt the call when a document is sent by manual
Times of recall setting or Times of recall
setting in case of line busy
If you have set the machine to re-attempt a call when
a fax transmission is not successful due to the line
being busy, this setting lets you select the number
of times the machine re-attempts the call.
The number of recall times that can be set in each
country are shown in the following table.
Normally, the number marked by the asterisk (*) is set.
Interval of recall setting
If you have set the machine to re-attempt a call when
a fax transmission is not successful due to the line
being busy or a communication error, this setting
lets you select the interval at which the machine re-
attempts the call (the attempt is stored as a
transmission job). You can select any number of
minutes from 1 to 15. Normally, "3" is set for line
busy and "1" is set for communication error.
Quick on line sending
When this setting is turned on, the machine will call
the other machine and start transmitting the
document as soon as the first page is scanned.
Transmission therefore takes place at the same time
as any further pages are being scanned. Normally
this setting is turned on.
If you turn the setting off, transmission will not begin
until all pages of the document have been scanned.
Note that this setting does not apply to manual
United Kingdom
In case of line busy
Country Differentiation Table
1 to 10 (*2) 1 to 9 (*2)
1 to 5 (*1) 1 only
In case of
communication error
Australia and
New Zealand