User Manual

Description of setting programs
The intention of this section is to describe the key
operator programs which can be set by either using the
operation panel on the main printer unit or the operation
panel on an optional scanner module. All description
headings not enclosed in brackets apply to setting
programs from the panel on the main unit and those
enclosed in brackets { } apply to setting programs from
the panel on the scanner unit.
The programs set from either panel will have the same
For additional descriptions of programs that cannot be
set from the main unit but can be set when an optional
scanner module is added to include copier, or copier
and facsimile functions, refer to the manuals for the
optional units.
Account control
The program “Auditing mode” is used to set the
internal auditor function. The other programs of this
category can be set only if the auditing mode has
been enabled.
Auditing mode
When the auditing mode is enabled, up to 100 five-
digit account numbers can be registered and assigned
to users. An assigned account number must be
entered for access to printing.
{Auditing mode}
An account number must be entered for access to
the machine to enable scanning for copying, facsimile
sending or network scanning.
Print per account
This program is used to display or print the total
number of prints against each account number.
Misfed paper is not counted.
{Total pages per account}
This program is used to display or print the total
number of prints against each account number. When
using the facsimile feature and network scanner
feature, the original transmission count can be
displayed or printed.
Reset account
This program is used to reset either all or individual
audit accounts.
{Resetting account}
When using the facsimile feature and the network
scanner feature, this program can be used to reset
the original transmission count.
Account number control
Account numbers must be five digits long and
can be registered successively.
Account numbers can be deleted or changed
individually or all at one time.
To change an account number, enter the account
number to be changed and then enter a new
account number. After an account number is
changed, another account number can be selected
to be changed. Changes for unregistered account
numbers will not be registered.
{Account number control}
Same as for the main unit.
No print if ACC’T # invalid
If this program is set in the auditing mode, and an
invalid account number is entered or no account
number is entered on the computer, printing will not
be done. If this program is not set, printing will be
done and the number of prints will be accumulated
as “OTHERS” in the print total.
{Cancel jobs if invalid accounts}
Same as for the main unit.