
EN – 17
More or Less Time Adjustment
) / MORE (
) keys)
a) To use with automatic cooking:
You can adjust cooking results as you like.
Should you discover that you like any automatic
settings slightly more done, press More (
) after
entering weight and before pressing Start/Instant
Should you discover that you like any automatic
settings slightly less done, press Less (
) after
entering weight and before pressing Start/Instant
b) To use with manual cooking:
During the manual cooking process, the cooking time
can be decreased or increased in 1 minute steps
each time the Less (
) and More (
) are pressed.
NOTE: You can not use this function for Steam
This function is for Steam Menu, Steam High and
Steam Low only.
Cooking results may vary depending on room
temperature, initial food temperature and other
factors. You can adjust cooking results by adding
more cooking time at the end. When cooking is
finished, the display will show "EXTEND". It is only
possible to add extra time during the 5 minutes when
"EXTEND" is in the display. The time can be extended
up to 10 minutes. Enter the desired time by pressing
Time and then press Start/Instant Cook. The same
cooking mode will be continued. Carefully check the
cooking process.
1. Before extending Steam mode, make sure the
water tank is fi lled to the MAX mark with room
temperature water suitable for drinking (fi ltered)
and is installed. If "Err, WATER (flashing)" is
displayed during cooking, fi ll the water tank to the
MAX mark. Position and push fi rmly into place,
then press Stop/Clear to clear the error message.
To continue the cooking, cook manually. Check for
doneness from time to time.
2. Extend mode is cancelled when Stop/Clear is
3. The Extending Cooking Time function can be
repeated until the food is cooked as you desire.
4. While the display shows "EXTEND", Energy Save
Mode will be cancelled temporary.
Extending Cooking Time at the
End of Steam Cooking
This function allows you to cook using up to 3 manual
cooking programmes; combinations of Microwave,
Grill and Grill Mix.
* Suppose you want to cook in Sequence Cooking for:
5 minutes on 70 % microwave power (Stage 1)
3 minutes on Grill (Stage 2)
3 minutes on Grill Mix High (Stage 3)
For 2nd stage, press Grill
and enter the desired
cooking time by pressing
Time (3.00).
For 1st stage, press Microwave
until the desired microwave power
level is displayed (70P) and enter
the desired cooking time by
pressing Time (5.00).
For 3rd stage, press
Grill Mix High and
enter the desired
cooking time by
pressing Time (3.00).
Press Start/Instant Cook.
Multiple Sequence Cooking
After cooking, the oven will automatically cool and you
will hear the sound of the cooling fan. The fan may
continue to operate up to 10 minutes depending on
the oven and parts temperature.
The oven door, outer cabinet, oven cavity,
accessories, dishes and especially the grill heating
element will become hot. Use thick oven gloves when
adding or removing foods to prevent burns.
x 1
x 5
x 2
x 3
x 1
x 1
x 3
SRH AX1100R_en.indd 17SRH AX1100R_en.indd 17 2011/10/25 15:08:532011/10/25 15:08:53