
12 For the advanced setting (the setting of the
Ethernet connection speeds), press A/T to
select "Yes" or "No", then press ENTER.
Normally select "No", then press ENTER.
o The Ethernet connection speeds can be set when you
select "Yes", then press ENTER.
As automatic detection is made (factory preset
mode), this setting is not normally necessary. Ifa
situation occurs in which the Ethernet connection fails,
etc., change the setting and confirm if the Ethernet
connection successfully works.
When the connection speed is set, select "Next", then
press ENTER.
13 For testing the connection to the Internet, after
confirming the settings, press A/V to select
"Test", then press ENTER.
o "Test"is availableonlywhen settingto obtainthe IP
address automatically."Test"cannot beselected ifthe
IPaddress has not been obtainedautomatically.
o As a resultof the test, ifthe Internetconnection fails,
enter the setup valuesmanually.
14 Press A/V to select "Complete", then press
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