Operation Manual

Touch action
Use this action in a screen that is capable of image rotation.
Touch the center point of the rotation with one finger. While
holding that finger still, move another finger in the desired
direction of rotation.
With one finger touching
Move another finger in the
desired direction of rotation
The screen may not respond correctly in the following cases:
- Touch gesture is too quick.
- The distance between the two points is too short.
- The two points intersect.
Other functions
In Windows 8.1/10, input panel functions can be used.
For details, see Windows Help.
Input panel :
A software keyboard and an input panel with handwriting
recognition appear on the screen.
In Windows 8.1/10, the ink function of Microsoft Office can be
Handwritten comments can be written, and handwriting can
be recognized.
For details, see Microsoft Office Help.
Cautionary points
• Notethefollowingwhentouchingbyfinger:
- Do not touch with a wet finger.
- Touch with the ball of your finger.
- Touch with your bare finger.
The screen will not respond if you are wearing a glove.
• Donotusethetouchpenforanypurposeotherthantouch
panel operation.
• Donotpresshardonthepentip.
• Thismaynotoperatecorrectlyifthereisaninverter
fluorescent light nearby.
• Ifthereisdirtorforeignmatteronthetipofthetouchpen,
remove it. Foreign matter may damage the screen.
• Thetouchpenpositionmayoccasionallydeviateinthe
login screen of the connected computer. In this case, use
the keyboard or mouse.
• IftheUSBcablebecomesdisconnected,thetouch
panel may not operate correctly after the USB cable is
reconnected. In this case, restart the computer.