RESU Salesbook

Forced (external) charging of RESU HV (“High Voltage”) batteries requires upfront training.
LG Chem offers the necessary training through an online process.
This documents describes the defined process. It is meant to support the maintenance of the
required resources and to document changes made after the initial establishment.
The objective is to restrict the access to high voltage chargers to trained personnel.
The process will be activated once a RESU HV battery requires external charging.
It comprises the following steps:
01, Support agent identifies recharge demand.
02. Support agent sends webinar access link to installer
03. Installer registers for webinar
04. Webinar platform sends link to certification test form by the time of registration.
05. Installer attends webinar
06. Installer takes the test
07. LG Chem sends the “charging certificate”
08. Installer uses the link provided in the certificate to download the rental contract for the charger
09. Installer sends the filled in contract to E-service
10. E-service provides the charger to the certified installer
The required certification resources are being provided in 3 languages: English, German and Italian
LG Chem Europe GmbH Residential ESS Team
5. Introduction for RESU HV Forced Charging Process
Access Information
Test Form
Rental Agreement
Slide Deck
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