Service manual

ENWW Chapter 7 Troubleshooting 183
It is important to have the printer control panel functional as soon as possible in the
troubleshooting process so that the printer’s diagnostics can assist in locating printing errors.
Follow these steps to pinpoint power problems quickly.
Step 1 Verify that the printer is plugged in to a reliable power source and the power switch is
Step 2 Verify that the fan and motors rotate.
Step 3 Verify that the formatter cables are connected correctly.
Step 4 Verify that the control panel connectors are connected.
Step 5 Verify that the DIMM cover is installed correctly.
Step 6 Verify that all connections to the power supply assembly are intact and the assembly
is not damaged. If the connections are damaged, replace them.
Step 7 Check that connections to the engine controller assembly are intact and not
damaged. If necessary, replace the engine controller assembly.