Service manual

ENWW Chapter 7 Troubleshooting 211
Image-defect tables
Judgments about print quality are subjective. This section of the manual helps define print-quality
defects and the factors that affect print quality.
The print samples shown in the following figures illustrate some print-quality defects. Keep
copies of print-quality defects that you encounter in the field and explanations of their causes.
You can use these samples for future reference.
Note Non-HP print cartridges can cause many of the problems that are illustrated here. When the
customer experiences image defects, check the print cartridges to verify that they are HP products.
Figure 110. Image defects examples
Light print or fade Toner specks Dropouts Vertical lines
Gray background
Toner smear
Loose toner
Repetitive defect
Misformed characters Page skew Curl or wave Wrinkles or creases
Toner scatter outline Ghosting (light) Ghosting (dark)
White or missing image