Service manual

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IC2 VHiTC9490F/-1: Servo/Signal Control (TC9490F) (1/2)
1* BCK Output Bit clock output terminal. 32 fs, 48 fs or 64 fs can be selected by command.
2* LRCK Output L/R channel clock output terminal. L channel: "L", R channel: "H".
the output polarity can be inverted by command.
3* AOUT Output Audio data output terminal. MSB/LSB fast can be selected by command.
4 DOUT Output Digital out output terminal. Up to double speed can be output.
5* IPF Output Correction flag output terminal. When the correction impossible symbol appears if the AOUT
output corresponds to the C2 correction output: "H".
6 DVDD Input Digital 3.3 V power supply terminal.
7 DVSS Digital GND terminal.
8* SBOK Output Subcode Q data CRCC decision result output terminal. When the decision result is OK: "H".
9* CLCK Input/Output Clock input/output terminal for subcodes P-W data reading.
The input/output polarity can be selected by command.
10* DATA Output Subcodes P-W data output terminal.
11* SFSY Output Playback system frame sync signal output terminal.
12* SBSY Output Subcode block sync output terminal.
In the S1 position when the subcode sync is detected: "H".
13,14* /HSO,/UHSO Output Playback speed mode flag output terminal.
15 PVDD Input 3.3 V power supply terminal for PLL system.
16 PDO Output EFM signal/PLCK signal phase error signal output terminal.
17 TMAX Output TMAX detection result output terminal.
18 LPFN Input Amp's inversion input terminal for PLL system low-pass filter.
19 LPFO Output Amp's output terminal for PLL system low-pass filter.
20 PVREF VREF terminal only for PLL system.
21 VCOF Output Filter terminal for VCO.
22 AVSS Analog GND terminal.
23 SLCO Output DAC output terminal for data slice level generation.
24 RFI Input RF signal input terminal. Zin can be selected by command.
25 AVDD Input Analog 3.3 V power supply terminal.
26 RFCT Input RFRP signal center level input terminal.
27 RFZI Input Input terminal for RFRP signal zero crossing.
28 RFRP Input RF ripple signal terminal.
29 FEI Input Focus error signal input terminal.
30 SBAD Input Sub-beam addition signal input terminal.
31 TEI Input Tracking error input terminal. Fetch when the tracking servo is on.
32 TEZI Input Input terminal for tracking error signal zero crossing.
33 FOO Output Focus equalizer output terminal.
34 TRO Output Tracking equalizer output terminal.
35 VREF Input Analog reference power supply terminal.
36 RFGC Output RF amplitude adjustment control signal output terminal.
37 TEBC Output Tracking balance control signal output terminal.
38 SEL Output APC circuit ON/OFF signal output terminal.
When the laser is on, UHS= "L": "Hi-z", UHS= "H": "H" output.
Pin No.
Terminal Name
In this unit, the terminal with asterisk mark (*) is (open) terminal which is not connected to the outside.
H H Normal speed playback
H L Double speed playback
L L 4-time speed playback
Playback speed
Longer than the specified period "PVDD3"
Within the specified period "Hi-z"
Shorter than the specified period "AVSS3"
TMAX detection result
TMAX output