Operating instructions

Chapter 4 Operating Instructions
C4000 Standard/Advanced
34 © SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved 8009861/WA65/2012-06-12
Subject to change without notice
Configurable functions
For floating blanking with partial object monitoring and for fixed blanking with increased
ize tolerance, a hole is produced in the protective field for technical reasons. With the
aid of Tab. 12 you can determine the effective resolution of the safety light curtain at this
point and the minimum size of an object to ensure that the safety light curtain reliably
switches to red.
Physical resolution Size of the blanked
Blanked beams
(= reduction)
Effective resolution/
size of the hole
7.5 mm 1 beam 22 mm
5 mm 2 beams 30 mm
22.5 mm 3 beams 37 mm
14 mm
n × 7.5 mm n beams (n + 2) × 7.5 mm
10 mm 1 beam 30 mm
20 mm 2 beams 40 mm
30 mm 3 beams 50 mm
20 mm
n × 10 mm n beams (n + 2) × 10 mm
20 mm 1 beam 50 mm
40 mm 2 beams 70 mm
60 mm 3 beams 90 mm
30 mm
n × 20 mm n beams n × 20 mm + 30 mm
30 mm 1 beam 70 mm
60 mm 2 beams 100 mm
90 mm 3 beams 130 mm
40 mm
n × 30 mm n beams n × 30 mm + 40 mm
Mark the effective resolution on the information label “Operation with reduced
resolution or blanking …” on the related sender and receiver.
Warning: During operation with “Reduced resolution” or “Blanking” the minimum
distance that corresponds to the modified resolution is to be observed.
Physical resolution
Resolution modified to:
(please mark)
14 mm
20 mm
30 mm
40 mm
Effective resolution/minimum object size
1 beam
22 mm
30 mm
50 mm
70 mm
2 beams
30 mm
40 mm
70 mm
100 mm
3 beams
37 mm
50 mm
90 mm
130 mm
n beams
Effective resolution
for floating blanking with
partial object monitoring and
for fixed blanking with
increased size tolerance
Marking the effective
resolution on the device label