User Manual

How to Proceed in the Event of
Abnormal Conditions
If this product is exposed to a powerful external electric field or shock during use, an
abnormal condition may seldom occur in which all of the keys, including the ON key
on the calculator connected, do not function. In the event of such a situation operate
the machine from the start again, or reset the calculator by the following procedure
before reoperation.
How to reset
Press the RESET switch on the back of the calculator only in the following cases.
When an abnormal condition occurs and all the keys are inoperative.
•To clear all memory contents.
1) Press the RESET switch on the back of calculator.
(The figure shown is for EL-96xx.)
Please use a ball-point pen when pressing the RESET switch. Do not use a sharp
point or fragile object such as a needle, a mechanical pencil, etc.
2) The display should be as shown below. Press the RESET switch again if the
display is different from what is shown below.
(The display shown is for EL-96xx.)
3) To keep the memory contents:
Press ON . The display will return to the initial display.
4) To clear all memory contents:
Press CL while the above is being displayed. All memory contents will be cleared
and the display will become as follows.
(The display shown is for EL-96xx.)
Pressing any key at this point restores the initial display.