User Manual

Thank you for your purchase.
This product is supplied to customers who agree to the following items; please read
them before using this product.
We shall determine that you’ve approved them at setting up this product’s software.
Terms of Use
Sharp Corporation (hereinafter called “our Company”) shall grant a nonexclusive right
of this product “CE-LK1P” upon the following terms to you. You shall agree to the
following terms at setting up this product’s software.
•You shall use the software of this product on one Personal Computer. (hereinafter
called “PC”)
•You may make only one copy of the software on a storage medium for backup
purposes only.
•You shall not use or copy part or all of the operation manual without permission.
Our Company shall not be held liable to anyone for failure arising out of improper
use of this product and accessories, or during use of them, nor for any damages
suffered from other malfunctions or use of this product.
This product, including its accessories, are subject to change without notice for
product improvement.
Some of the models described in this manual may not be available in some
“EL-94xx” refers to EL-9400/9450, and “EL-96xx” represents EL-9600/9600c/9650.