
Adjustments and Controls
2 Place a checkmark in the checkbox for the item you wish to be displayed, or click the item
you wish to be displayed and click the "Show (S)" button.
For items for display and their information, see "Checking the Device Status" (page 8).
Remove a checkmark from the item you don't wish to be displayed, or click the item you don't wish to be
displayed and click the "Hide (H)" button.
3 To change the order of items displayed, select an item and click the "Move Up (U)" button or
the "Move Down (D)" button.
Clicking the "Move Up (U)" button moves the item up by one position (The item moves to the left by one
position on the device information line.)
Clicking the "Move Down (D)" button moves the item down by one position (The item moves to the right by
one position on the device information line.)
4 To change the width of the column for items displayed, enter a numeric value in the "The
selected column should be" field.
5 When the change is completed, click the "OK" button.
The change is reflected on the display of the device information list.
Make changes by right-clicking.
1 Right-click a row title.
A popup menu of items for display appears.
2 Place a checkmark for the item you wish to be displayed.
The checked item will be shown in the device information list. (Added to the right side.)
Unchecked items will be hidden from the device information list.
To Change the Order of Items Displayed
By using the drag and drop function, the order of items (row) displayed can be changed.
1 Select a row title and drag the title to the position you want.
Example: Move "MAC Address" to the left side of "IP Address".
Drag "MAC Address" to the "Device Name" position on the left side of "IP Address".
"MAC Address" moves to the left side of "IP Address".
Row Title
Popup Menu
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