
Adjustments and Controls
To Specify Settings for the Browser to Operate Devices
The browser used for operating the devices through the network can be specified.
The browser is used only when devices that can be operated using the browser are selected.
1 Select "Setting (P)" from the "Option (O)" menu and click the "General" tab in the "Setting"
dialog box.
2 Enter the Browser location in the "Path Name" field of "Browser used for accessing to
The default setting is the location of the Internet Explorer.
3 Click the "Apply" button.
4 Click the "OK" button to finish the settings.
To Specify Power On Settings
Set either a simultaneously ON signal is sent (
At once
), or individual ON signals are sent one after another in
fixed intervals, when the power of the devices is switched on collectively.
Select "Setting (P)" from the "Option (O)" menu and click the "General" tab in the "Setting" dialog box.
2 Click the "At once" or "Turn on the devices one at a time in order every [xx] second(s)"
radio button in "Power ON Setting" to place a checkmark.
3 If the checkmark is placed in "Turn on the devices one at a time in order every [xx] second(s)",
select the time interval from the pulldown menu.
The time interval can be set within the range of 1 to 10 seconds (in one second increments).
4 Click the "Apply" button.
5 Click the "OK" button to finish the settings.
Disp_Manager_E_p12-23_old.p65 08.4.18, 16:0121