
4. When a command cannot be sent, "Request time out" will be displayed.
Check the network setting again.
If communication can still not be established properly, contact your network
5. To return to the Windows
screen, enter "exit" and then press the "Enter" key.
When the device cannot be connected, even though the "PING" command is checked:
1. When there is a setting for an "Accept IP Address" in the device, set the IP address
of the PC to be connected.
2. When a security software is installed on the PC, or when a fire wall has been set
up for the network system, connection may not be possible.
Consult the system administrator in order to enable use of the UDP/TCP port set
as the search port, and TCP port set as the data port.
3. When neither of the above two items applies, change the settings for either the
search port or the data port (page 19). When the setting for the search port for the
Software is changed, the settings for the search port on the device must also be
changed accordingly.
The security alert window is
A security warning may be displayed when a search for a device is performed. To ensure
that the Software communicates via the search port (UDP), click "
Unblock" and search
for the device again.
Disp_Manager_E_p24-28.p65 08.4.28, 5:39 PM25