Drivve Image Brochure

Sustainable growth
The consumption of toner, paper and energy has an
unavoidable environmental cost. But Drivve | Image can help
you mitigate that cost by reducing the amount that you print
and copy.
A single scanned document can be sent to (and used by) as
many workflows, people and applications as needed, without
anything being printed. And thatโ€™s just one example.
Switching from manual processes to faster, more cost e๎˜žective
digital workflows, means that saving money, conserving
resources and minimising your impact on the environment
become achievable realities.
Reduced operational costs
Drivve | Image reduces operational costs at every touch point.
And because it moves information to the right place (neatly
indexed for rapid retrieval), people spend less time looking for
information and more time putting it to good use.
Documents are processed faster and more accurately, business
processes and repetitive tasks become more cost e๎˜žicient, and
there is no need to create and distribute multiple copies of the
same document.