User's Manual

Glass ceramic cooktop - Make sure the surface and
the pan bottom are clean before turning on. Do not use the
cooktop if the glass is broken or if metal melts on it.
Radiant surface units - The radiant surace heating units
are beneath the smooth glass ceramic cooktop. The design on
the cooktop outlines the area of the surface unit underneath.
When the cooktop is on, the (cooktop-on indicator), next
to the surface cooking control knob, comes on even if the
cooktop unit doesnʼt look red. The areas around the units
may become hot enough to cause burns.
Hot surface indicator - An indicator light, on the cooktop,
comes on when the surface unit is turned on and the cooktop
temperature increases. The indicator will remain on until the
surface has cooled below 150˚F even after the unit is turned
Temperature Limiter - The radiant surface units have a
temperature limiter that allows the unit to cycle on and off,
even at the High setting. It protects the glass ceramic cooktop
from damage. Cycling at the High setting can occur when
improper cookware is used.
Note: Never leave any items on the cooktop. Hot units may
ignite ammable items, melt or soften plastics or increase
pressure in closed containers causing them to burst.
Donʼt store heavy items above the cooktop as they can cause
damage if they drop on to the cooktop.
Never cook directly on the cooktop. Always use cookware.
For best results and energy conservation, choose cooking
utensils as below.
Bottom of pan - Pans should have fl at bottoms that make
good contact with the entire surface unit. Check for fl atness
by using a straight edge. Pans with curved or warped bottoms
are not recommended.
Size of pan - Pan size should match the amount of food
and the size of the surface unit. Do not use canners or frypans
that exceed the width of the radiant surface units.
Material of pan - Always use a utensil for its intended
purpose. Follow manufacturerʼs instructions. Some utensils
were not made to be used on the cooktop.
Position of pan - Always place the pan in the center of
the surface unit you are using. Do not use two elements to
heat one large pan.
Wok Cooking - Only a at-bottomed wok is recommended.
Do not use round-bottom wok or a wok with a support ring.
Note: Do not slide cookware across the cooktop surface
because it can scratch the glass or may leave marks which
need to be removed promptly.
Never allow a pan to boil dry. This could damage the pan
and the countertop.
Do not use aluminum foil on the cooktop surface.
Do not use cooktop as a cutting board.