User Manual

Dimensions 211 (W) × 157 (D) × 24.7 (H) mm (except for
Weight (approx.) 840g
Operating Temperature 5°C to 35°C
Operating Humidity 80% RH maximum
Storage Temperature –20°C to 40°C
AC Adapter Specifications
Power Requirements 110 to 240V AC, 50/60Hz
Rated Input Capacity DVD Operation: 55VA
Charging (110V): 55VA
Rated Output DVD Operation: 10V DC
Charging: 10V DC
Dimensions 58 (W) × 105 (D) × 27.5 (H) mm
Weight (approx.) 170g
Battery Pack Specifications
Model BT-L200S
Type Lithium-ion type
DC output 7.4V
Capacity 5600mAh
Operating temperature 0°C to 40°C (charging: 10°C to 30°C)
Max. Dimensions 193 (W) × 144 (D) × 13.7 (H) mm without
protruding parts
Weight (approx.) 430g
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Weight and dimensions are approximate.
Digital Output (Linear PCM)
The digital output format used in this Player is linear PCM audio sampled at
44.1kHz or 48kHz. Linear PCM sound for DVD discs sampled at 96kHz
cannot be output digitally. Check the disc jacket for information on the audio
sampling used.