User`s guide

110 NET.CFG Parameters
MX1 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX1RG-D
Configures the power management used by the station in an ESS. The recommended mode is
Enhanced Power Management (EPM) for hand held computers. In this mode, the station switches
between Power Save Mode (PSM) and Continuous Active Mode (CAM), based on activity. Any
frame transfer switches the station to CAM. Inactivity for 100ms switches the station to PSM.
For vehicle mount computers, the default is CAM.
Valid: 0=CAM (No power management)
2=PSM (Maximum power savings)
Default: 1
Configures the maximum amount of time the radio will stay in Sleep mode.
Valid: 1-65535
Default: 100 (10 seconds)
Configures whether this station will receive Multicast packets.
Valid: Y=Yes or N=No
Default: N
Configures whether this station will receive/send encrypted data traffic. When “Y” is chosen, the
unit will be able to receive both non-encrypted data and messages encrypted with one of the listed
WEP encryption key values (see Transmit_Key_ID).
If encryption is enabled (Y) while the card does not support WEP, an error is reported.
Valid: Y=Yes or N=No
Default: N
If you enable WEP encryption, you can select one key for wireless data transmissions from the list
of WEP Encryption Key Values.
Key1 abcde
Key2 0x123456789a
Key3 abcdefghijkl2
Key4 0x112233445566778899AABBCCDD
Valid: 1-4
Default: 1
Format Transmit_Key_ID 1