
Design Guideline for making VR circuitry :
CNB1 – Backlight inverter connector: JST B5B-XH-A (Matching type : XHP-5)
1 GND Ground
2 VBKL +12V/24VDC, backlight power supply
3 BLCTRL On/Off control (enable) – see JB2 & JB3
4 BVR_WIP Brightness VR - WIP
5 BVR_A Brightness VR A
CNC1 – Control switch, JST B12B-XH-A (Matching type : XHP-12)
1 PSWIN Power button A
2 SW_ON Power button B
3 BVR_A Backlight Brightness VR pin A
4 BVR_WIP Backlight Brightness R pin WIP
5 BVR_B Backlight Brightness VR pin B (470 ohm resistor to +5V Vcc)
6 GND Ground
7 MENU OSD menu
8 -/LEFT OSD -/Left
9 +/RIGHT OSD +/Right
10 SEL_DN OSD Select down
11 SEL_UP OSD Select up
12 NC No connection
The VR for brightness depends on the inverter. The main power load for On/Off is handled by a relay on the controller.
Example for circuit design :
Signal description / Notes :
1) R1 : 470ohm on board
2) RPOT is an external potentiometer (in-line dip
style) that can be plugged directly into CNC1 pins
3,4,5. RPOT must be supplied / installed by user.
3) BVR_B : Voltage tapped from “top” of
potentiometer, the node of R1 and RPOT.
4) BVR_WIP : Voltage tapped from wiper arm of
5) BVR_A : Voltage tapped from “bottom” of
Note : BVR_A voltage is left floating on the
controller board. To use this circuit, you need
to tie this point to a potential (usually GND,
available at CNC1
in 6
1.)Choose RPOT = 10K
2.) Tie BVR_A to GND
3.) Circuit analysis gives BVR_WIP as the
following (see Figure 1)
BVR_WIP = 5 x (Rbc/10.47)
where BVR_WIP is in Volts.
And Rbc is the resistance from the wiper arm
to bottom of pot in Kohms.
To evaluate, plug in different values of Rbc :
0 0 V
2.5 K 1.2 V
5 K 2.4 V
7.5 K 3.6 V
10 K 4.8 V
So this circuit could provide Brightness
adjust voltage ranging from 0V to 5V.