
The following commands for sending texts by using RS-232 command.
Function Command Description Acknowledge (if enabled)
Send Line 0xF0,
|”S” |”LL”|”TEXT”|
Return “1”
“S” = “0x53 or 0x73”
Send command
“LL” = “0x30,0x31~0x30,0x34”
Line number (Range 1~4 lines)
“Text”= ASCII code,
Character( Range 0~34 )
0x0A = End of line
“S” – Send Command
“LL” – Line Number
“Text” – Character
“0x0A” – End of Line
“1” - successful.
e.g Display “Send Text” message on screen:
RS232 Code:“0xF0 0x53 0x30 0x31 0x53 0x65 0x6E 0x64 0x20 0x54 0x65 0x78 0x74 0x0A”
Return Code: “0xF0 0x53 0x30 0x31 0x53 0x65 0x6E 0x64 0x20 0x54 0x65 0x78 0x74 0x0A 0x31”
Clear Line 0xF0,
|”C” |”LL”|
Return “nn”
“C” = “0x43 or 0x63”
Clear command
“LL” = “0x30,0x31~0x30,0x34”
Line number (Range 1~4 lines)
“C” – Clear command
“LL” – Line Number
“nn” – Return Line number
e.g Clear Line 1
RS232 Code: “0xF0 0x43 0x30 0x31”
Return Code: “0xF0 0x43 0x30 0x31 0x30 0x31”
Left offset* 0xF0,
|”O” |”SSS”|
Return “nnn”
“O” = “0x4F or 0x6F”
Set Left Offset command
“SSS” = “0x30,0x30,0x30~
Offset Value (Range 000~3ff)
“O” – Left Offset Command
“SSS”- Offset Value (pixels)
“nnn”- Return Value(pixels)
e.g Set Left Offset = 100 pixels ( 0x64 (HEX))
RS232 Code: “0xF0 0x4F 0x30 0x36 0x34”
Return Code: “0xF0 0x4F 0x30 0x36 0x34 0x30 0x36 0x34”
Return “n”
“B” = “0x42 or 0x62”
Set Transparency command
“N” = “0x30~0x46”
Transparency Value
(Range 00~0F)
“B” - Transparency command
“N” – Transparency Value
“n”- Return Value
0x00 =opaque
Set background Transparency value is 8
RS232 Code: “0xF0 0x42 0x38”
Return Code: “0xF0 0x4F 0x38 0x38”
* Note :
Please set the "Background Transparency"and "Left offset" commands before the "Send Line"
n = 1-byte ascii-coded hex number, e.g., parameter value of 0x1 is represented by “1” (0x31).
mn or nn = 2-byte ascii-coded hex number, e.g., parameter value of 0x1e is represented by “1”, “e” | “E”
(0x31, 0x6e|0x4e).
Please refer to the ASCII to Hex convert table in page 36.