User manual

iv. To develop a programming for microcontroller to count up and down visitor
traversing a certain passage or entrance which in this case is the FKE
v. This system can calculate height of the visitor
This project is mainly concerned to design a counter that will count visitor
and control the lighting system of a room or hall. Consequently, this system will
avoid people wasting energy when they forgot to turn off the light. However, there
are a few limitations on this project.
There are several scopes of the development of counter system for visitor
using microcontroller that is:
i) Visitor cannot stay in between the sensor for more than 50ms
ii) SK40C will be used to run the program IC PIC 18F452 is chosen as the
processor to store the program
iii) The developed system that count visitor which enter and leave the room,
display total occupant inside the room and calculate the height of a visitor
iv) Implement two IR proximity sensors (GP2YOA21YK).
v) Identifying the counter process (count up or countdown)
vi) Single entrance and single exit room