User manual

3.2.1 Defining the task and problem
Figure 3.1 : Block diagram of overall system
The user accesses the abilities of the microcontroller by writing a program
that performs the desired functions. The main function of this project is to count
visitor but there are other aspect that must be consider. This system must
differentiate when a visitor enter or leave the room. Sensor only sense the present of
a person but it is microcontroller task to define either a person is enter or leaving the
laboratory. Besides that, a LCD display will be provide in this system to display the
total visitor exist in the room. Each time visitor come in and out, it can be monitor
through this LCD display and provide information about the present data.
3.2.2 Designing the system
Firstly, MicroC PRO and PICkit 2 v2.61 is a software need to be installed in
personal computer to ease the process of testing and improve the programming in the
next stage. This software is needed to design the programming and load the program
to the microcontroller. In this project, we must able to burn the program into PIC
using PIC programmer.
The first step in designing is choosing a suitable chip for this project. All
microcontrollers contain a CPU, and chances are that we can use any of several