User manual

buttons is pressed for a long period (more than 0.5 second), so it means the buzzer
will sound on and at the same time RB7 LED will remain lit.
For the first demo, the program is limit to 5 persons as maximum. When the
counter hit 5, the LCD will display “FULL COUNTand the program will not count
if the number exceeds 5. This program is design for testing purpose and to observe
the reliability of the microcontroller. The full coding for this part can be referred to
Appendix A.
3.3.2 Part II (Complete Project)
In this part, sensor and relay is included during testing. Therefore, the C++
programming is altered a little bit so that it compatible to use with sensor and relay.
During this period, there are so many problem occurred and this will be discussed in
discussion part. One of them is when the sensor is not reliable and failed to obtain the
desired output compared to part I implementation. IR Proximity sensor had been
choosing for this system as the input while relay is function as the output of the
microcontroller. This part still used SK40C as the main board to test the program. So,
no additional circuit board is needed except for the relay and sensor connection. In
this case, a few addition on programming solved this problem which is analog-to-
digital converter programming is required. The complete programming can be
referred to Appendix B.