User manual

Function to display the introduction for the beginning of the system:
Figure 3.16 : Call function to display the welcome and greeting
Connection between the sensor and microcontroller is referring to the base of
microcontroller that is defining on the programming. RA1 and RA2 is the base that
receives data from sensor 1 and sensor 2 respectively. Same goes to relay connection
that is done for part I which connected through RB7. The ground base of IR
proximity sensor and relay must be grounded in order to function.
3.3.4 Hardware Component And Design
i. PIC 18F452
PIC 18F452 is used as processor in this project because of it flexibility and
advantages. This 40-pin PIC is put inside the SK40C and testing will be done using
SK40C itself. So, it is not necessary to take out the PIC every time the program
loaded to the microcontroller.
void introduction(void)
unsigned char i;
Lcd_Out(1,1," WELCOME ");
Lcd_Out(2,1," SELAMAT DATANG ");
// Move text to the left 16 times
for(i=0; i<16; i++)