
Primary memory module
Description Spare part number
8 GB 634091-001
4 GB 621569-001
2 GB 581096-001
Before removing the primary memory module, follow these steps:
1. Shut down the computer.
Disconnect all external devices connected to the computer.
3. Disconnect the power from the computer by first unplugging the power cord from the AC outlet
and then unplugging the AC adapter from the computer.
4. Remove the battery (see
Battery on page 33).
5. Remove the service cover (see
Solid-state module on page 34).
Remove the primary memory module:
1. Pull away the retention clips (1) on each side of the memory module. (The memory
module tilts up.)
Grasp the edge of the memory module, and then gently pull the memory module (2) out of
the memory module slot.
CAUTION: To prevent damage to the memory module, hold the memory module by the edges
only. Do not touch the components on the memory module.
To protect a memory module after removal, place it in an electrostatic-safe container.
Reverse this procedure to install the primary memory module.
Component replacement procedures