
Charge at an area where the temperature is between 0°C to 40°C.
Check the specication of the power source before plugging the supply plug to the electric outlet.
Do not connect to power sources with other voltage.
Do not charge a battery pack other than the specied battery pack.
Before attaching the battery pack to the battery charger, check that the battery pack and battery charger is
clean from conductive cutting chips and water.
(1) Plug the power supply plug in the electric outlet.
The charging condition indication lamp changes to green
(2) Attach the battery pack to the battery charger.
The charging condition indication lamp changes according to the status as described below after attachment.
(3) Detach the battery pack after charging and unplug the power supply plug from the electric outlet.
Charging condition
indication lamp
Battery charger condition
Green Waiting for charging
Green + Buzzer
Charging completed. Buzzer is activated for few seconds to notify the completion of charging.
Standby for charging due to high temperature of the battery pack.
Charging will start automatically when the battery pack is cooled by internal fan and the temperature is
Cannot start charging due to defect in the battery pack. Replace with a new battery pack.
: Turned on
: Blink
Function name
LED inidcation
Description of function and countermeasure
Magnet wire disconnection
detection function Yellow
The electric drill will not operate and LED blinks in yellow when abnormality is generated with the magnet. Request
for repair to the sales agent where the product was purchased or to your nearest authorized Nitto dealer.
Lateral slip detection function
The electric drill stops and LED blinks in blue when lateral slip is generated with the magnet or abnormality such as
wire disconnection is detected with the lateral slip detection device during drilling. Turn the magnet switch off and
then turn the switch back on to continue the operation.
When LED is blinking in blue and the electric drill does not start right after the magnet switch is turned on, the lateral
slip detection function is defective. Request for repair to the sales agent where the product was purchased or to your
nearest authorized Nitto dealer.
Electric drill overload stop
function White
The electric drill stops and LED blinks in white when overload is applied and stops the electric drill during drilling.
Turn the electric drill switch off and then turn the switch back on to continue the operation.
Remaining battery power drop
detection function Red
LED blinks in red when the remaining battery power drops in a condition where the magnet switch is turned on. Turn
the magnet switch off and immediately charge the battery pack.
Electric drill circuit abnormality
detection function
LED blinks in red and green alternately when the control circuit of the electric drill is defective.
Request for repair to the sales agent where the product was purchased or your nearest authorized Nitto dealer.
Wasteful operation warning
Green (Rapid)
When no operation is performed for a certain amount of time after the magnet switch is turned on or when no load
is applied for a certain amount of time after the electric drill is started, it will be taken as wasteful operation and stops
the electric drill with LED blinking rapidly in green to draw attention.
The indication is stopped by starting the electric drill or applying load.
: Turned on
: Blink