Owner's Manual

The register can be equipped with maximum of 99 departments.
Use the following procedure to program for department.
To delete a department item in the "DEPARTMENT" window, select the item and press the
A conrmation window appears to ask you whether to delete the item, select the option you prefer.
Program each item as follows:
Select a pertinent dept. code from
the departments list, or directly enter a
department code.
The screen continues.
For more information about the entry patterns, see the “Basic
Instructions” section.
Unit price (max. 8 digits)
Description for a department. Up to 16 characters can be
entered. (Default text: DEPT.nn)
Type of unit price entry for departments
INHIBIT: Inhibited
OPEN: Open only
PRESET: Preset only
OPEN & PRESET: Open & preset
Taxability for each department
YES: Taxable
NO: Non-taxable
Department type for SICS (Single Item Cash Sale)
YES: SICS department
NO: Normal department other than SICS department
Selection of the sign (plus or minus)
+: Assign the plus sign
-: Assign the minus sign
This function is intended for prevention of accidentally entered unreasonably amounts.
Limit amount: 0.00 to 999999.99