Instruction manual

To be continued on the next page
Item percent 3 counter and total
Refund counter and total
REG-mode void counter and total
Void-mode transaction counter and total
Manager item void counter and total
Subtotal void counter and total
Hash dept. void counter and total
Hash refund counter and total
Received on account 1 counter and total
No-sale (exchange) counter
Gest check copy counter
Customer counter
Order total
Paid total
Paid total average per costomer
Paid out 1 counter and total
Cheque cashing counter and total
Cash counter and total
Cheque 1 sales counter and total
Mix-and-match discount counter and total
Coupon PLU discount counter and total
Validation print counter
Bill counter
PBAL counter
NBAL counter
Order total Paid total
Deposit (+) counter and total
Deposit () counter and total
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