Instruction manual

ERA420 Frequently Asked Questions Page 16 of 20
How do I get my business name and ABN to print on the receipt?
1. Turn the mode key to the PGM2 position
2. Type each line of your information, up to 3 lines as follows:
3. Enter the Top (first) line do the following:
Enter: -2- -6- -1- -4 -1- type in text up to 24 characters ST TL
Enter the second line do the following:
Enter: -2- -6- -1- -4 -2- type in text up to 24 characters ST TL
5. Enter the third line do the following:
Enter: -2- -6- -1- -4 -3- type in text up to 24 characters ST TL
You can enter up to 24 characters per line. You can enter characters with the programming key sheet
supplied with your ERA420. The programming key sheet is illustrated below
Please refer to the instruction manual (pages 18 -19) for details on text entry methods.