Operation Manual

Programming for optional feature selection
Your register enables you to select the following options.
OP X/Z mode availability
When a cashier need to take the cashier/clerk X/Z report, he or she will use the OP X/Z mode.
This programming determines whether he or she will be allowed to use this mode.
You can take cashier/clerk X and Z reports in the X1/Z1 mode regardless of the above
Paid-out in the REG mode
Refund in the REG mode
Direct void in the REG mode
Indirect void in the REG mode
Subtotal void in the REG mode
Validation printing in a refund entry
First item direct void
PLU level shift mode
Automatic return mode: This mode automatically shifts the PLU level back to level 1 (ordinary level) after a
direct PLU entry.
Lock shift mode: This mode holds the current PLU level until making a PLU level shift operation
(pressing a PLU level shift key).
Available mode for PLU level shift
Printing of the number of purchased items
Time printing on the receipt/journal
Journal print form
You may choose either of the following forms.
Detailed journal print that shows the details of all entries the same information as printed on the receipt.
Summary journal print that shows information about all entries other than normal department entries
(entries into + departments and their associated + PLUs).
Availability of the item validation printing
Validation printing in a deduction (
) entry
Zero skip for various reports
VAT/tax amount, taxable amount and net amount printing on the receipt/journal
Automatic return timing for PLU level
By one receipt: Returns the PLU level to level 1 by one receipt.
By one item: Returns the PLU level to level 1 by one item entry.
VAT shift method
VAT shift by cashier: VAT shift is performed by the operation of a cashier who has been assigned to do
the VAT shift operation (Refer to job #2510).
VAT shift by shift key: VAT shift is performed by pressing the VAT shift key.
PLU price shift method
Price shift by cashier: Price shift is performed by the operation of a cashier who has been assigned to do
the price shift operation (Refer to job #2510).
Price shift by shift key: Price shift is performed by pressing the price level shift key.
Available mode for PLU price shift
PLU price shift mode
Automatic return mode: This mode automatically shifts the price level back to price 1 (ordinary level) after
the entry.
Lock shift mode: This mode holds the current price level until making a price shift operation
(pressing the price level shift key).
Programming various functions
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