Product data

About POSUtility
This form displays general information about POSUtility , where you can obtain support
and other software for SHARP Cash Registers.
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Send to Register options.
These options control what data is sent to the ECR. You may select any number of these
options for sending to the ECR with one exception -- Sending ALL RAM Data can only be
done on its own.
Send PLU EAN Options
There are four options for sending PLU/EAN's to the ECR. If this data has been
retrieved from the register before modifying, then ALL the register PLU and EAN
settings which will be affected by sending this data will remain unchanged on the
ECR. These are things like Recipes, Condiments etc. Beside two of the options
are text boxes which display how many records are in the PLU/EAN Database.
One shows ALL the records and the other the MODIFIED records. Using Modified
Records is useful when you have made a small number of changes to the Product
Data, as the changes can be quickly sent to the ECR. If you have deleted some
Products, then use the ALL option.
Checking this option will allow sending of All the PLU's and EAN's in the
POSUtility Database. Depending on the ECR Type, some of this data will may
not be sent. Using this option will first delete all PLU/EAN Data in the ECR
before sending the new data. If the number of records you are trying to send