User Manual

Add-on code
UPC-A and EAN-13 may be followed by a two digits number or a five digits number as add-on code, excepting
UPC-A without a check digit plus two or five digits add-on code.
Therefore, the total number of digits enterable for sales entries are as shown below:
Your register automatically judge the add-on code in an EAN code entered from the total number
of digits and the flag.
EAN/UPC programming
Each EAN or UPC (hereinafter referred to as EAN) requires you to program the following.
• EAN code (max. 13 digits)
• Associated department (1-50)
When an EAN is associated with a department, the following functions of the EAN depend on the
programming for the department.
Grouping (Group 1 through14)
HALO (only for the subdepartment)
Single item cash sale/Single item finalization
Item validation print compulsory/non-compulsory
EAN code delete method
You can program how you delete EAN codes; deleting in the programming, inhibit deleting, or deleting the
EAN codes that have not been accessed for a certain period, which can be programmed (up to 99 days)
when you execute #105 in Z1 mode.
Unit price (max. six digits)
Base quantity for split-pricing entries
Sign (+/–)
Tax status
If you do not program tax status for a EAN, the tax status of the EAN follows to the status of the associated
Item label (12 characters) (option max. 16 characters)
Commission group (1-9)
EAN link
System programming for EAN function
Delete period for non-accessed EAN codes
Non-PLU code format
Type of press code
Price entry method for press code
Label of record in EAN file
Code entry No add-on code 2-digit add-on code 5-digit add-on code
UPC-A 12 14 17
UPC-A w/leading zero 13 15 18
UPC-A w/o check digit 11 ––
UPC-E 6 ––
EAN-8 8 ––
EAN-13 13 15 18