Owner's Manual

Key or function
In default of
Key or function
In default of
33 Tax 1 total of refund entries RFD TAX1
34 Net tax 1 total TAX1
35 Exempt tax 1 TX1 EXPT
36 Net taxable 2 subtotal TAX2 ST
37 Gross tax 2 total GRS TAX2
38 Tax 2 total of refund entries RFD TAX2
39 Net tax 2 tota TAX2
40 Exempt tax 2 TX2 EXPT
41 Net taxable 3 subtotal TAX3 ST
42 Gross tax 3 total GRS TAX3
43 Tax 3 total of refund entries RFD TAX3
44 Net tax 3 total TAX3
45 Exempt tax 3 TX3 EXPT
46 Net taxable 4 subtotal TAX4 ST
47 Gross tax 4 total GRS TAX4
48 Tax 4 total of refund entries RFD TAX4
49 Net tax 4 total TAX4
50 Exempt tax 4 TX4 EXPT
51 Gross manual tax total GRS MTAX
52 Refund manual tax total RFD MTAX
53 Net manual tax total M–TAX
*54 Exempt total from GST GST EXPT
*55 PST total PST TTL
*56 GST total GST TTL
57 FS1 forgive FS TX1
58 FS2 forgive FS TX2
59 FS3 forgive FS TX3
60 Tax total TTL TAX
61 Net
62 Sales total including tax total
N E T 2
63 Coupon-like PLU CP PLU
64 Vender coupon UPC V. CP UPC
65 Item void VOID
66 Subtotal void SBTL VD
67 Manager void MGR VD
68 Void mode
69 Refund REFUND
70 Return RETURN
71 Hash item void HASH VD
72 Hash item refund HASH RF
73 Hash item return HASH RT
74 No sale NO SALE
75 Validation print counter VP CNT
76 Bill (slip) counter BILL CNT
77 Drawer counter DRW CNT
78 Dray total counter TRAY CNT
79 Transfer out TRAN.OUT
80 Transfer in TRAN.IN
82 Service SERVICE
83 Deposit DEPOSIT
84 Deposit refund DPST RF
85 Cover count COVER CT
86 Customer counter TRANS CT
87 Gratuity GRATUITY
88 Sales total
N E T 3
89 Cash C ASH
90 Cash 2
91 Cash 3
92 Cash 4
93 Cash 5
94 Food stamp sales FSSALE
95 RA RA
96 RA2 RA2
97 PO PO
98 PO2 PO2
99 Check cashing 1 CA/CHK1
100 Check cashing 2 CA/CHK2
101 Check cashing 3 CA/CHK3
102 Check cashing 4 CA/CHK4
103 Check cashing 5 CA/CHK5
104 Check change CHK/CG
105 Food stamp change FS/CG
106 Currency conversion 1 CONV 1
107 Currency conversion 2 CONV 2
108 Currency conversion 3 CONV 3
109 Currency conversion 4 CONV 4
110 Eat-in 1 EAT IN 1
111 Eat-in 2 EAT IN 2
112 Eat-in 3 EAT IN 3
113 Food stamp in drawer FS/ID
114 Gross charge 1 CHARGE1
115 Refund charge 1 CHARGE1–
116 Gross charge 2 CHARGE2
117 Refund charge 2 CHARGE2–
118 Gross charge 3 CHARGE3
119 Refund charge 3 CHARGE3–
120 Gross charge 4 CHARGE4
121 Refund charge 4 CHARGE4–
122 Gross charge 5 CHARGE5
123 Refund charge 5 CHARGE5–
124 Gross charge 6 CHARGE6
125 Refund charge 6 CHARGE6–
126 Gross charge 7 CHARGE7