Operation Manual

Machine number
When your store has two or more POS terminals, it is practical to assign them unique machine numbers for
their identification.
Program the item as follows:
• MACHINE# (Use the numeric entry)
Machine number (max. 6 digits: 0 to 999999)
Consecutive number
The consecutive number is increased by one each time a receipt is issued.
Program the item as follows:
• CONSECUTIVE# (Use the numeric entry)
Enter a number (max. 4 digits: 0 to 9999) that is one less
than the desired starting number.
Interval timer
You can program the timer for drawer opening and a screen save mode for the POS terminal.
Program each item as follows:
• DRAWER ALARM (Use the numeric entry)
Alarm length of time with drawer opening (0 to 255 seconds)
• Your POS terminal starts to monitor how long the drawer is
kept open the moment the drawer is opened at the end of a
transaction in the REG/VOID mode. It stops the time
monitoring when a valid key (except the
, and
keys) is pressed for the next transaction. It restarts the time
monitoring after that transaction is ended. You can stop the
buzzer alarm by closing the drawer. No key entries can be
made while the buzzer is sounding. If the number “0” is
entered, this function will be unavailable.
• SCREEN SAVE (Use the numeric entry)
Screen save mode timer (max. 2 digits: 0 to 99 minutes)
If the number “0” is entered, this function will be unavailable.
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