
Virtual memory is space on the hard disk which your computer uses as if it were
random access memory (random access memory, or RAM, is the working memory
your computer uses to run applications, etc.). Virtual memory allows you to work with
files that would otherwise be too big for your computer’s physical RAM.
if your computer does not have enough physical RAM to run Windows Printing System
efficiently, you can improve petiormance by increasing the amount of virtual memory.
Note: If Windows does notallowyou to set vitiualrnemory to a sufficiently large size, it may
be that there is not enough room on your hard disk. See your Microsoft Windows User
Guide for information on how to fix this and further details on vitiual memory.
Windows3.1 and Windowsfor Workgroup 3.1x
Double-click the Control Panel icon in the Main program group, and then
double-click the 386 Enhanced icon.
In the 386 Enhanced dialog box, click the Virtual Memory button.
In the Virtual Memory dialog box, click the Change button.
Enter the desired virtual memory size (we recommend at least 6 MB) in the New
Size box, and select Permanent in the Type box.
. Selecting Permanent in the Type box will give the best performance; however,
the maximum size may not be as large as when the Type is set to Temporary.
If the maximum size is not large enough, select Temporary in the Type box.
Click the OK button. When the window appears asking you to confirm your
changes, click the Yes button.
To make the changes go into effect, restart Windows.
1. Click the Start button in the task bar.
2. Select Settings and then click Control Panel in the Settings group.
3. In the Control Panel window, double-click the System icon.
4. In the System Properties dialog box, click the Performance tab.
5. Click the Virtual Memory button under Advanced Settings.