
Transaction Report
Transaction Report
This report is printed out automatically after a fax is sent or received to allow
you to check the result. The machine is initially set to print out the report only
when an error occurs.
The Transaction Report cannot be printed manually. To change the
condition for automatically printing out Transaction Reports, see page 104
and “TRANSACTION LIST” on page 104.
Headings in the Transaction Report
The name or fax number of the other machine.
START Starting time.
Total time taken for transmission/reception.
PAGES Number of pages.
NOTE One of the following notes will appear under NOTE to
indicate whether the fax was successful, and if not, why it
OK - Transmission/reception was successful.
P.FAIL - A power failure prevented the transaction.
JAM - The printing paper or document jammed.
BUSY - The fax was not sent because the line was busy.
COM.E-X - (Where “X” is a number.) A communication error
occurred. See page 121.
CANCEL - The fax was canceled because the STOP key
was pressed, no document was in the feeder, or the other
machine requested a function that your machine does not
PAGE E. - A page count error occurred (see page 58).