Operation Manual

Camera 39
Your phone has an integrated digital camera.
This allows you to take and send pictures or video clips
wherever you are.
Take Picture
Put the phone into the digital camera mode to take a
picture. Pictures are saved in Saved Pictures in JPEG
format in the following three picture sizes.
L: 480 × 640 dots
M: 240 × 320 dots
S: 120 × 160 dots
Taking Pictures
“Take Picture”
The preview is displayed through the screen.
1. Press e or the side-down key to take the picture.
The shutter sounds and the still image of the taken
picture is displayed. Press [Cancel] to retake a picture.
2. Press [Save].
“Saving (file name) to My Items…” is displayed,
then the picture is registered.
3. Press F to return to standby.
Remaining shots indicator
123: Indicates the remaining number of
pictures that can be taken.
If you wish to send a picture by multimedia message
after taking the picture, press e before step 2. Then
select “Multimedia” or “Postcard”. (The Postcard
service is not available with some service providers.
Please contact your service provider for more
information.) Large MMS messages may cause the
size of attached pictures to be reduced.
Using the Full Screen
The preview can be displayed on the full screen without
the soft key area and indicators.
“Take Picture”
1. Select “On” or “Off”.
[Options] is not displayed if “On” is selected. Press
when you need the option menu.
When “Picture Size” is set to “S”, you cannot use the
full screen.
You can also turn on or off the full screen mode by
pressing Q.
(M 5)
(M 5-1)