Operation Manual

My Items 71
Text Templates
You can register up to 20 text templates for use in text
messages and multimedia messages.
120 characters may be registered in any text template.
Adding Phrases to Text Templates
“My Items”
“Text Templates”
1. Select the number you wish to register.
2. Enter the text and press e.
Editing Text Templates
“My Items”
“Text Templates”
1. Highlight the text template you wish to edit.
2. Press [Options] and select “Edit”.
3. Enter new text and press e.
Viewing Text Templates
“My Items”
“Text Templates”
The list of Text Templates is displayed.
1. Highlight the text template you wish to view.
2. Press [Options] and select “View”.
Deleting Text Templates
“My Items”
“Text Templates”
1. Highlight the text template you wish to delete.
2. Press [Options] and select “Delete”.
Memory Status
This function helps you to check the memory status of
My Item. Memory status covers Applications, Pictures,
Sounds, and Videos.
“My Items”
“Memory Status”
(M 6-5)
(M 6-7)