User guide

My Items 63
My Items
My Items contains several types of picture, sound and
video clip data. Also included in My Items are frequently
used text message phrases and accessed WAP pages
(addresses) which you can use. You can also transmit
picture, sound and video clip data via
technology to OBEX-enabled phones.
The phone can store approximately 2100 KB of data
across Pictures, Games & More, Sounds and Videos.
Pictures that are taken by a digital camera or images
that are downloaded from mobile Internet sites can be
managed. You can register pictures in the following
formats: JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF, WBMP, and WPNG.
Viewing Pictures
“My Items”
“Saved Pictures”
1. Select the file you wish to view.
The selected picture is displayed.
Using Images as Wallpaper
“My Items”
“Saved Pictures”
The list of pictures is displayed.
1. Highlight the file you wish to use as wallpaper.
2. Press [Options] and select “Set as Wallpaper”.
3. Specify the area you wish to display using the
navigation keys.
(M 6)
(M 6-1)