Service manual

2 – 12
You can shorten time for the MOT file rewrite operation by selecting a smaller value for Wait Time.
Example: Time to rewrite two MOT files at a time.
At the default setting (8 seconds), rewrite time is approximately one hour.
If the value is set to 1, the rewrite time will be reduced to approximately 30 minutes.
If an error occurs at 1, increase the value.
The error screen will appear on handsets No. 2 to No.10.
If this screen appears, increase Wait Time and retry.
Figure 29
When the File System Initialize check box is checked, a confirmation message appears.
Figure 30
When you check File System Initialize check box and click the “OK” button, handset status returns to the default.
In this case, user data is initialized after the MOT file rewrite operation. Uncheck the check box to avoid this.
Flash Loader 5.02
Error screen
Click the [OK] button.