Service manual

2 – 15
3. The MOT file rewrite operation starts.
<When using a cable for upgrading>
When “Keep Pressing Power Button” disappears, release the Power key.
<When using the Communication Box>
Leave the handsets turned on.
Figure 37
4. When the rewrite operation starts, handset display screen shows the software version and process of communications with the PC.
Figure 38
Canceling the ongoing rewrite operation:
Click the “QUIT” button.
To rewrite MOT files later, remove and install the battery first.
[Notes for the use of a cable for upgrading]
1. Disconnect the AC charger from the cable. Otherwise charging starts and the MOT file rewrite operation is interrupted.
2. Make sure the handset battery is sufficiently charged.
If the battery is low, the rewrite operation may fail. Charge the battery before the operation.
3. If the ongoing rewrite operation is canceled, or interrupted by an error, remove and reinstall the battery and retry.
[Notes for the use of the Communication Box]
1. When “Press Power Button!” appears, turn on handsets from No.10 down to No.1. If the handset No.1 is first turned on, the rewrite on handsets
No. 2 to No. 10 operation will fail.
2. The time to delete the program data varies between handsets. If the process fails at the default Wait Time (8 seconds), increase the value.
Consequently, this will increase the time to complete the rewrite operation.
Flash Loader 5.02