Service manual

2 – 40
When an error occurs, the corresponding message appears. Solve the problem according to “Solution”.
Error 1
Error message: “There are too many white cracks.”
Cause: The light is not sufficiently blocked.
Solution: Block the light completely and perform white defect correction again.
Error 2
Error message: “There are many white cracks.”
Cause: The light is not sufficiently blocked.
Solution: Block the light completely and perform white defect correction again.
Error 3
Error message: “There are too many white cracks cannot be rectified.”
Cause: There is a hardware error.
Solution: Replace the camera unit.
4.8.17 Black defect correction
*Black defect correction:
Defective pixels in a camera light sensor appear as black points in the display even when a captured image is completely white (display is all white).
Perform black defect correction to eliminate errors in these pixels.
1) Requirements
Desk top type of fluorescent lamp
Black defect correction sheet
Figure 79
Illuminance meter
2) Procedure
1. Cover the camera section with the black defect correction sheet as shown in Figure 80.
Figure 80
Attach the sheet to the handset firmly with
clear scotch tape.