User guide

80 My Items
My Items
My Items contains several types of picture, music, sound
and video clip data. Also included in My Items are Text
Templates and recently viewed WAP page addresses. You
can also transmit picture, sound and video clip data via
wireless technology to OBEX-enabled phones.
The phone can store approximately 30 MB of data
across Pictures, Games & More, Sounds and Videos.
Pictures that are taken by your phone’s camera or
images that are downloaded from mobile Internet sites
can be managed.
Viewing Pictures
“My Items”
“Saved Pictures”
1. Press d to display the list from the memory card
and c to return to the handset memory.
2. Select the file you wish to view.
The selected picture is displayed.
Using Images as Wallpaper
“My Items”
“Saved Pictures”
The list of pictures is displayed.
1. Highlight the file you wish to use as wallpaper.
2. Press [Options] and select “Set as Wallpaper”.
3. Specify the area you wish to display using the
navigation keys.
Editing Pictures
“My Items”
“Saved Pictures”
1. Highlight the file you wish to edit.
2. Press [Options] and select “Edit”.
3. Select the desired option:
“Rotate”: The picture is rotated 90º
anticlockwise. Press [Rotate] again
for another 90º.
“Adjust Size”: Select the desired option.
“Rename”: Rename the file name.
“Retouch”: Select the retouching option.
“Add Frame”: Select the desired frame pattern.
“Add Stamps”: Press [Stamps] and select the
desired stamp pattern. Repeat this
step to add more patterns.
(M 6)
(M 6-1)