User's Manual

Table Of Contents
You can register your schedule as task entries which are associated with the date and time.
Creating a New Entry
1. Select “Add New Entry”.
2. Enter the subject.
3. Enter the due date and then due time.
4. Select the reminder option.
When selecting “Other”, enter the desired reminder date and time.
5. Select “Description” and enter a memo for the task entry.
6. Select “Secret” and select “On” or “Off” to make it a secret data.
7. Press [Save].
If the date and time settings have not been made, the date and time entry screen is
displayed (p. 185).
Setting the Alarms
You can set the alarm at a specified time on the entry.
1. Highlight the desired entry.
2. Press [Options] and select “Edit”.
3. Select “Reminder” and “Reminder Time”.
4. Select the desired reminder time.
(M 7-7)