User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Getting Started 17
13.(No display)/////:
Current profile [Normal/Meeting/Activity/Car/
14. ////:
Silent/vibration setting [silent/increasing volume/
vibration enabled/silent and vibration enabled/
increasing volume and vibration enabled]
15. / / : Speaker mode [speaker phone/speaker activated/
microphone muted]
16. : Battery level
17. : Mobile light enabled
18. : Daily alarm enabled
19. / : Schedule entry enabled [with/without reminder
20. : Outbox contains unsent messages [text message/
21. / / : WAP/OTA provisioning alerts [WAP alert/OTA
provisioning alert/WAP and OTA provisioning alerts]
22. : Voicemail message alert
23. : Connection status [1st Infrared communication
[enabled/exchanging information]]
24. : Function Lock enabled
25. : Keypad Lock enabled
26. /(blank): Infrared setting [enabled/disabled]
Opening Your Phone
Your phone can be opened in the following three positions: normal,
self-portrait and viewer positions.
Normal Position ( )
1. Open the phone until the display stops as illustrated.