User's Manual

My Items 69
Sending a Video Clip File with MMS
“My Items”
“Saved Videos”
1. Highlight the file you wish to send.
2. Press [Options] and select “Send”.
3. Select “As Multimedia”.
For details on creating a message, see “Creating a
New MMS” on page 47.
Video clips protected with a copyright cannot be sent
attached to a message.
Uploading Video Clip Files
You can upload your video clips to the Media Album.
This service is not available with some service
providers. Please contact your service provider for
more information.
“My Items”
“Saved Videos”
1. Highlight the file you wish to upload.
2. Press [Options] and select “Send”.
3. Select “To Album”.
4. Press [Yes].
Video clips protected with a copyright cannot be
Downloading Video Clip Files
“My Items”
“More Videos”
The video clip file download site is displayed.
(M 6-4-3)