User`s manual

Description of ladder monitor control switches (operate after displaying ladder circuit)
Function of ladder control switches that are arranged on the multi overlap screen.
1. "Before LD" switch: Displays the previous circuit of the currently displayed circuit.
- This switch is using macro block No. 10 (switch ON macro CALL 10).
2. "Next LD" switch: Displays the next circuit of the currently displayed circuit.
- This switch is using macro block No. 11 (switch ON macro CALL 11).
3. "UP" switch: Scrolls the cursor up from the currently displayed position.
When the cursor is on the upper most line, displays the previous ladder circuit.
- This switch is using macro block No. 2 (switch ON macro CALL 2).
4. "DOWN" switch: Scrolls the cursor down from the currently displayed position.
When the cursor is on the upper most line, displays the previous ladder circuit.
- This switch is using macro block No. 3 (switch ON macro CALL 3).
5. "<" switch: Scrolls the cursor left from the currently displayed position.
- This switch is using macro block No. 4 (switch ON macro CALL 4).
6. ">" switch: Scrolls the cursor right from the currently displayed position.
- This switch is using macro block No. 5 (switch ON macro CALL 5).
7. "SRCH +" switch: Searches the contact point on the cursor position in the positive direction.
- This switch is using macro block No. 8 (switch ON macro CALL 8).
8. "SRCH -" switch: Searches the contact point on the cursor position in the negative direction.
- This switch is using macro block No. 7 (switch ON macro CALL 7).
9. "SRCH BACK" switch: Returns to the ladder circuit of the searched coil last (up to 8 times).
- This switch is using macro block No. 9 (switch ON macro CALL 9).